Thursday, January 25, 2007

Very Successful Day :)

Today I finished my secret PR model. Then started My Lady of the Snow PR model. She is so pretty and the owl she is holding is just precious. I can see that I am going to have a hard time putting her down everyday. She is just that addicting!!!! I can't wait to see what Laura's next design will be. Her designs are just more and more beautiful every time.


Angi said...

Yayyyy for you!!! Are you done with MLOTS Yet ? :)

sugardoll said...

Hmmm, stop teasing us will you? Now I am itching to know what that secret PR model is/will be!! Can't wait for it to make an appearance! Also can't wait to see a progress pic of MLOTS. Dawn, I hope you don't mind that i added you to my blog! Thank you!!

Dawn said...

No Angi she is not done yet. I'm not that fast you know.LOL

I don't mind that you added me to your blog Noreen. *Hugs*

I should have a wip pic up sometime this week on the PR BB.

Andie said...

Dawn! :) Hello!! You are a real tease you know?!! You are so blessed to be P/R model........ getting to see them all first.... and to stitch them!! I like your little daydream about 2 little fairy girls.... would definetly make a great design :) *hugs* Andie