Tuesday, March 13, 2007

MLOTS done :)

My Lady of the Snow done on SW Enchantment - Passione Ricamo RL24
I got her done on 3/11/07 and how gorgeous she is all done. Another beautiful design Laura!!!! No I am working on my "Make a Wish" model and hope to be done with her in a couple of weeks. Of course I have had a sneek peek at the new design and I'm sure that you will all love her. She has taken my breath away.

I also worked on my Cirque des Circles for our Sunday PR BB SAL.
Cique Des Circles by Ink Circles 3-11-07 - PR BB SAL
I'm so amazed at how fast this is stitching up. Can't wait to get more done.

My Mom's house is coming along and we are just about done getting rid of all the trash and things that she no longer needs. I'm glad that we are going to be moving in with her as it will helps us all out in the long run. Still have to paint and clean the carpets before we move in. But at least we have time before the girls get out of school in May. My Dad's death was traggic, but also in some sense heaven sent. I know that God does things in mysterious ways, and this has definetly brought me and my family closer than we ever have before. I now treasure everything and take one day at a time. My Dad will always be with us in our heart and soul. And everytime I see a wolf, I will know that it is him watching over us.


Mel said...

MLOTS looks so stunning. Your stitching is awesome

sugardoll said...

Gorgeous work Dawn. your cirque...or whatever it's called have some lovely vibrant colors. So pretty! =D

Carolyn said...

Hi Dawn - I wandered over here from the Mira board. :) Your new PR is stunning! You always do such lovely work (and so quickly too!). Since you are truly the PR guru, I thought I'd ask you a question... how many skeins of thread do you think I would need to stitch the Fairy Celebration freebie from the PR site? :)


Anonymous said...

OMG Dawn...how gorgeous is she!

Deanne J said...

Congrats on finishing MLOTS and your cirques is so beautiful.

Jamie said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I'm slow. I must start working on The Night. I think I'm just overwhelmed by her - but tomorrow I will SAL with Angi - and on Wednesday.

Dawn said...

BIG HUGS to all of you!!!!!

Carolyn, I'm not sure how many skeins you would need as I have not stitched this one yet. But if you are doing it all in one color then I would get two skeins just in case. :)

Jamie, I knew you would find my eventually. hehehehe :)

Peg said...

Dawn MLOTS is stunning, her dress looks velvety, she's certainly one I want to stitch. I have almost all of PR's charts so am eagerly waiting the new release mmmmm who needs drugs when you can get a healthy high from these gorgeous charts :o))